Have you ever called to file a claim on your Oklahoma City home insurance policy, only to find out the claim is denied, or that there is not enough loss to justify filing a claim?
Many homeowners in Oklahoma City, Yukon, Piedmont, and across the state do not realize what a zero-pay claim can do to their ability to find coverage. With many carriers, having two claims of the same type (two water damage claims, for example) within a certain period of time will make you ineligible for their coverage. Most carriers in Oklahoma will pass on a household with more than two claims of any kind. This includes claims that involve zero payout.
So what does this mean for homeowners in Piedmont, OKC, and the surrounding area? It means that you should have a GREAT relationship with your agent, and you should feel comfortable calling them for advice on how to move foward with a potential claim BEFORE you call the carrier.
At Paragon Insurance, we place a high premium (pun intended) on education and arming our customers across Oklahoma with as much knowledge as possible so they can feel confident when dealing with a potential loss. If you have any questions about your claims history and how it might be affecting your home insurance rates and eligibility, please get in touch!